Wednesday, 22 December 2010

if you ever need to break something, do it here!

Bumrungrad Hospital, Bangkok
Apart from the distinct lack of beer, my time here at Bumrungrad Hospital has passed extraordinarily well. So much so, I said something in passing to a friend on skype yesterday which says it all: "its been so nice here maybe I should break my other leg"! Could you imagine anyone saying that about an NHS ward experience? Whilst I really do appreciate the benefits of a "free at the point of need" health service, I can't help feeling that the quality is so far from what I have encountered here, in this insurance based environment, that perhaps we have got it all wrong?

just getting ready to leave the ward - nice place to recover

But, whatever warm, mushy verbiage I might spew about this place, I leave today. I am flying back to my apartment in Saigon to rehabilitate over the festive period and join a few of my friends and colleagues for a Christmas dinner. I hope to make it to midnight mass at the Cathedral in the centre of the city, but that depends on how crowded it gets. I don't want to hurt my knee for a few carols!

The scars are healing nicely now, but I will be on crutches for at least 5 more weeks!
One of the very many pretty nurses took these photos with her camera, looking good eh?

Femur incision and puncture wound looking good

Tibia had the metal plate and 7 screws,
here are the incisions and punctures to prove it!
Two factors (other than really hardcore drugs), that have really helped me during this week of virtually continuous pain and incapacity have been first: the ever-present tlc from a team of really top quality nurses. They are always happy and smiling and very willing to help - they are also, without exception, top looking chicks - and this will always help keep your pecker up, so to speak, even in the direst of circumstances. The second factor that has really made this all so much more bearable is skpe and emails - I have  been able to talk/chat with numerous friends and family throughout my stay and this has really given me a great moral lift - especially at this time of year.

So if you fancy a bit of medical tourism, here's the place to come. Top quality, top docs, great services, top nurses and a really warm and caring environment.

Can't wait to come back! ;)


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